The Nuclear Accounting Compliance (NAC) Reporter® is a web-based Nuclear Materials Management & Safeguards System (NMMSS) preparation software product designed with an ease of use similar to tax preparation software. It is hosted and maintained by NAC International. The product is designed to be an inexpensive alternative to a true Nuclear Materials Control & Accountability (MC&A) system for facilities that have small amounts of materials and/or little activity. It is also a system that will validate data in accordance with NMMSS rules and regulation. As an added bonus, the system can assist in reconciliation and distribute data to the NMMSS and/or others. The system will accept data from a facility’s system if it is in the proper format. The exported data can be imported into the NMMSS and a facility’s system. If a facility desires to integrate their system with the NAC Reporter, we can create a custom interface for that facility.
To learn more about NAC Reporter, click here to see the brochure.
Live Online Demo We periodically host a Live Online Demo of NAC Reporter. There is no special equipment or software required. The only thing you will need is a computer with access to the internet. You are not obligated to purchase any services if you participate. If you are not receiving invitations for the online demo, please call or email any of the NAC Reporter representative listed under Contacts.
60-Day Trial When you participate in a Live Online Demo, you will receive a 60-Day Trial period for NAC Reporter. The trial includes all features of NAC Reporter and you will be allowed to submit data to the NMMSS. If you choose not to participate in the Live Online Demo, you can download the user form at this link. Follow the instructions on the PDF form. We will setup an account on our Demo site for a 60-day trial period.